Friday, March 9, 2012

Poison Control

Spring is approaching and it always makes me think about cleaning. Here is a link to a pdf of a room by room check list from the EPA with regard to Poison Control. You may find it helpful, especially if you have small children. There is a wealth of information on the EPA website,, with regard to poisons and safe ways to control pests around your home. I posted this yesterday but the link didn't work, so I'm re-posting today...hopefully with a working link.....

Thursday, March 8, 2012

EPA Poison Control

Spring is approaching and it always makes me think about cleaning. Here is a link, ,to a pdf of a room by room check list from the EPA with regard to Poison Control. You may find it helpful, especially if you have small children. There is a wealth of information on the EPA website,, with regard to poisons and safe ways to control pests around your home.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wallpaper is back!

According to Melissa Macron, on HGTV's website, wallpaper is back! Of course it never completely left, after all it's been around for hundreds of years. The ancient Chinese invented paper and began gluing rice paper to their walls as early as 200 B.C. Soon after the introduction of paper making to Europe in the late 15th Century, Europeans began commissioning artists to create hand-painted papers for their walls.
Jean-Michael Papillon a french engraver, credited with the invention of wallpaper, started making block designs on paper in matching continuous patterns in 1675.

Now with the invention of computers, the Internet and digital imaging you can design wallpaper murals from your own photos in the comfort of your own home. The designs and patterns that are produced by wallcovering manufacturers is endless.

And I do prefer to use the term "wallcovering" instead of wallpaper, since it really does describe the product much better today, since there are so many materials adhered to walls as wallcovering. One of my Interior Design teachers from Russia said she likes to suggest to folks who rent and want wallcovering to apply a lightweight textile fabric they like to walls using corn starch. When you are ready to move just pull it off roll it up and you can take it with you, and you wont damage the walls.
I haven't tried this myself, but it sounds like a great idea.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Paint vs. Wallpaper - Part 2

Aesthetic Appeal
Modern wallcoverings contain aesthetic appeal unmatched by painted surfaces.  Consider painted surfaces in their various states as compared to wallpaper:
  1. Flat Color:  One room, one color.
  2. Accent Wall:  One room, one color except for one uniquely colored wall.
  3. Textured Paint:  Paint containing a media to give it texture.
  4. Custom Paint:  Mural designs using paint.
  5. Faux Finishes:  Custom paint designs that add pattern and depth.
While most people are familiar with these major painting techniques, many are uninformed as to their counterparts in wallpaper. As well, few know of the unique features that one can only obtain with wallpaper.
  1. Flat Color:  Though not particularly popular, there are single color wallpapers available.
  2. Accent Wall:  Can be achieved by utilizing wallpaper on one wall. 
  3. Textured Paint:  There are many varieties of textured wallpaper from plain to ornate.
  4. Custom Paint:  Wallpaper manufacturers have a wide variety of mural wallpaper.
  5. Faux Finishes:  Most popular faux finishes have their wallpaper counterparts.
  6. Historic Aspect:  Imagine a Victorian style house without wallpaper.
  7. Digital:  Computer generated designs custom printed onto wallpaper.
  8. Photographic:  Consider creating custom wallpaper using family photos.
  9. Bridging Material:  Using this special blank wallpaper, one can eliminate the costly and messy removal and repair of an unattractive textured or damaged wall surface.
  10. Faux Surface:  Applying an expanded texture wallpaper followed by paint is a way to replicate the look of an expensive tin ceiling or intricate molding with a greatly reduced cost.
  11. Natural Surface:  Discover the luxury of natural fibers on the wall such as jute, grasscloth, or bamboo among others.
  12. Fabric Walls:  Cover your walls with your favorite fabric.  Fabric may be hung as it comes off the bolt or backed and coated for increased durability as a true wallcovering.
  13. Wood Surfaces:  The application of wood veneer wallcovering in a variety of species adds formality at a fraction of the cost of a traditional wood paneling.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"Paint vs. Wallpaper Cost Analysis by Canada Wallcoverings Corp.:
While few people would debate the aesthetic excellence of wallcoverings over paint, some might be surprised to learn that, over time, vinyl wallcoverings are also a wise economical choice. According to the latest Hite Report, developed for The Bell Systems by Jim Hite, lifecycle analysis shows that wallcoverings now last five times longer than paint, under normal usage conditions. Most vinyl wallcoverings can retain their original beauty and performance characteristics for at least 15 years, whereas a painted surface must be cleaned more frequently to maintain its appearance, and generally requires repainting approximately every three years."

The investment of having quality wallcovering installed professionally can give you years of enjoyment. The key is to consult with a professional installer who can steer you in the right direction as to which materials would serve you best in the room you would like to have wallpapered. When you are ready give us a call for a consultation.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Springtime Reminders

It’s starting to feel more like spring every day! It's the time of year when I want to get out and work in the yard and see what's blooming. Below is a list of some household chores that, when taken care of regularly, will help maintain your home.

1. Clean debris from flowerbeds, lawn & gutters
2. Dethatch and aerate lawn and provide spring feeding
3. After the danger of frost has past take indoor plants outside and give them a good shower
4. Clean stove vents and refrigerator coils
5. Clean clothes dryer exhaust vent
6. Check batteries in smoke detectors
7. Have AC system inspected
8. Check fire extinguisher to assure it is filled and ready for operation
9. Wash windows and check caulking then open to air out house before the pollen count is up
10. Flip and vacuum mattresses and clean comforters and dust ruffles
11. Shampoo carpets, clean blinds and drapes
12. Take inventory of closets – donate what you don’t wear and store out of season items

Happy Spring!